How to Create Deliveries to Invoice?
Step 1
Click the "Sales" on menu.
Go to "Invoicing" and select "Deliveries To Invoice" on the submenu.
Click by and start to add new document.
Step 2
Select and choose your partner.
Creation Date - Usually the time of the order.
Scheduled Date - Expected date for all the stock moves.
Next, select .
Step 3
Select your product in the .
Fill in the quantity that customer needed and select the units( kg, g, cm, foot and etc).
Date : Moving date - Scheduled date ultil move is done, then date of actual move processing.
Expected Date - Default is same as Schedule Date (unless specify).
Invoice Control:
Invoiced - Draft Invoice is automatically created at background
To Be Invoiced - An Invoice is waiting to be created
Not Applicable - No Invoice will be created
Locations: (default Location as below)
Source Location - WareHouse / Stock
Destination Location - Partner Locations / Customers
When everything is complete, select , or select to continue add new product, else click to cancel edit.
Step 4
Select "Additonal Info" shown below.
Picking Type
Receipts – Do not select as this is mainly for receiving goods (PO)
Internal Transfers – This is mainly for internal company stock moves
Delivery Order – This should be Default for all DO creation.
Once you done and click .
Next, Click on Mark as TODO
Step 5
"Waiting Availability" will be shown under the status .
Then, continue click on .
Available - Product is available at stock.
Waiting Available - You can Force Available if you need to transfer.
Next, Click on “Transfer”.
- Then, Click “OK”. If you need to separate to multiple DO then follow standard DO flow.